• Comments Off on Ce declaratii trebuie să depui pe 25 iunie 2018
  • Jun 14 , 2018

Ce declaratii trebuie să depui pe 25 iunie 2018

Nu uita sa fii la timp cu depunerea declaratiilor fiscale pentru a…

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  • Comments Off on What is a Data Protection Officer and what is his role in the company
  • Jun 13 , 2018

What is a Data Protection Officer and what is his role in the company

What is the role of the Data Protection Officer? The GDPR describes…

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  • Comments Off on Ce este Data Protection Officer si care este rolul sau in companie
  • Jun 13 , 2018

Ce este Data Protection Officer si care este rolul sau in companie

13 iunie 2018 Ce este un DPO – Data Protection Officer Asa…

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  • Comments Off on Basic rules regarding the unexpected control performed by the fiscal anti-fraud inspectors
  • Jun 06 , 2018

Basic rules regarding the unexpected control performed by the fiscal anti-fraud inspectors

June 6, 2018 According to the Fiscal Procedure Code, the fiscal inspection…

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  • Comments Off on Reguli de baza privind controlul inopinat efectuat de inspectorii antifrauda fiscala
  • Jun 06 , 2018

Reguli de baza privind controlul inopinat efectuat de inspectorii antifrauda fiscala

06 iunie 2018 Conform Codului de procedura fiscala, inspectia fiscala are ca…

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  • Comments Off on Tot ce trebuie sa stii despre executarea silita a veniturilor si bunurilor pe care le detii
  • May 09 , 2018

Tot ce trebuie sa stii despre executarea silita a veniturilor si bunurilor pe care le detii

09 mai 2018 Stingerea creantelor fiscale se poate face astfel: prin plată;…

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  • Comments Off on Everything you need to know about the forced execution of the income and assets you own
  • May 09 , 2018

Everything you need to know about the forced execution of the income and assets you own

May 9, 2018 The settlement of tax receivables can be done as…

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  • Comments Off on Proposal to amend the Companies Law
  • Apr 25 , 2018

Proposal to amend the Companies Law

March 25, 2018A draft normative act was submitted to the Senate, which…

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  • Comments Off on Profesiile liberale si impozitele catre stat
  • Apr 23 , 2018

Profesiile liberale si impozitele catre stat

23 aprilie 2018 Autorizarea unei profesii liberale sau care este exercitata in…

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  • Comments Off on Liberal professions and taxes to the state
  • Apr 23 , 2018

Liberal professions and taxes to the state

April 23, 2018 The authorization of a liberal profession or which is…

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