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  • Dec 13 , 2012

ASF, un nou organism in pas cu trendul financiar international

13 decembrie 2012 Dupa prabusirea Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI)…

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  • Comments Off on Tax news at the end of the year, in the project!
  • Dec 13 , 2012

Tax news at the end of the year, in the project!

December 13, 2012 As a fiscal-budgetary measure, it is proposed to suspend,…

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  • Comments Off on Noutati fiscale de sfarsit de an, in proiect!
  • Dec 13 , 2012

Noutati fiscale de sfarsit de an, in proiect!

13 decembrie 2012 Ca masura fiscal-bugetara, se propune suspendarea, incepând cu data…

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VAT on receipt Newsletter

November 26, 2012 VAT on collection represents a new challenge for the…

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TVA la incasare Newsletter

26 noiembrie 2012 TVA la incasare reprezinta o noua provocare pentru contribuabilul…

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  • Comments Off on Nexia CRG EXPERT – 1st place CECCAR Constanta branch
  • Sep 21 , 2012

Nexia CRG EXPERT – 1st place CECCAR Constanta branch

September 21, 2012 On Friday, 21.09.2012 on the occasion of the Accountant’s…

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  • Comments Off on Nexia CRG EXPERT – locul 1 CECCAR filiala Constanta
  • Sep 21 , 2012

Nexia CRG EXPERT – locul 1 CECCAR filiala Constanta

21 septembrie 2012 Vineri, 21.09.2012 cu ocazia Zilei Contabilului, la ceremonia organizata…

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  • Comments Off on Nexia teambuilding & Nexia day 2019
  • Sep 03 , 2009

Nexia teambuilding & Nexia day 2019

Pe 8 si 9 August echipele Nexia Bucuresti si Contanta s-au intalnit…

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